My Silly Silly Self
by Elizabeth Challinor
I was asleep
Totally asleep
Such a deep sleep...
Then slowly I realized
I was sleeping
What should I do?
I started sleep walking
And sleep talking
Until I fell
Into a deep dark well
Engulfed in my own pain
A nightmare of my own making
Heart aching
I returned to sleeping
Although a part of me was now peeping
At the possibility of waking up
Like looking at a distant star
I started breathing
You know
Those long deep breaths
That empty out the lungs
And discovered little moments of waking
Everything felt
I started walking
With lips on the soles of my shoes
Until I tripped up
And fell
But at least I could look up
From inside the dark well
And see the stars
Wherever I am
I know
It will pass
I'll wake up
Fall asleep
And wake up once more
And laugh
Long and hard
At my silly silly self
Happy 2023 everybody!